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Friday, 12 June 2020

About Patricia

Patricia is a Social Worker and Counsellor by training, with rich and diverse work experiences from both public and private sectors. After opting to retire early to take care of her aging parents, she now has the time for homemaking – experimenting with cooking and baking for her twin young adult children and husband (who are brutally honest in their rating of the dishes!). She also keeps a watchful eye over her elderly parents. She continues to pursue her interests in social outreach, special needs, family and community development as an active volunteer in several non-profits organisations, including being a board member of The Artground.

Hi Pat! Do share a little about yourself 🙂

I’m a busy bee, busy being a homemaker, caregiver and volunteer. I love experimental cooking and baking as a homemaker to feed a three generation household of seven people plus a dog.

How did you get involved with TAG?

It was an unexpected invitation, as my background is in social work and I have zero experience in the arts. However, the team reassured me that it was precisely because of my prior experience that they wanted my involvement as it brought diversity to the team. My interest is in building strong family units as well as being an advocate and supporter for the inclusive societies in Singapore. These are my contributions to The Artground in small, meaningful ways.

Using one word, how would you describe your first impression of the name 
‘The Artground’ and the concept of The Artground?

When I first heard about the name ‘The Artground” for a Children’s Arts Space, my one-word response was – “What”? 🙂

After learning more about the idea behind The Artground, my one-word response would be – Family!
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 What is one thing you’ve learned during this circuit breaker period in Singapore?

I didn’t realise how reliant we were when it comes to convenience. My family and I used to frequent a 24-hour ‘makan’ joint near our place for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But when circuit breaker was implemented, this simple luxury was taken away, but in return, we got to spend more time at home together as a family. 

Share a lesson and/or a memorable experience during your time as a Board member for The Artground.

My time at The Artground definitely brought back a lot of memories when I was raising my children. I wished that The Artground was around when I was still living in Katong and when my twins were preschoolers. We would definitely have been regulars, without a doubt!