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International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People

ASSITEJ unites theatres, organisations and individuals throughout the world who make theatre for children and young people.

ASSITEJ is dedicated to the artistic, cultural and educational rights of children and young people across the globe and advocates on behalf of all children 
regardless of nationality, cultural identity, ability, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion.

ASSITEJ brings people together so that they can share knowledge and practice within the field of theatre for children and young people in order to 
deepen understandings, develop practice, create new opportunities and strengthen the global sector.

The members of ASSITEJ are national centres, professional networks, and individuals from around 100 countries across the world.

The Artground Is the National Centre For ASSITEJ Singapore

ASSITEJ Singapore is a network of members and not-for-profit organisation that aims to

– Drive the spirit of professional development within the A4YA (Arts For Young Audiences) sector

– Build a shared space for all interested practitioners and deepen our Community of Practice

– To introduce and encourage pedagogical / embodied practices within the artistic practises

Become A Member 

ASSITEJ is mainly sustained by the fees from its members. Membership for ASSITEJ Singapore National Centre are open to ; 


– Professional theatre companies and/or artists performing 
for children and young people.

– Non-professional theatre companies and/or artists performing 
for children and young people.

– Organizations, institutions, associations and/or persons actively 
engaged in the work of theatre for children and young people.

– Supporting organizations, institutions, associations, and/or persons 
interested in theatre for children and young people. 

Membership Fees

SGD20 / year
for individual artists / persons working in the field of Singapore’s A4YA sector

  Companies and collectives
SGD 50 / year
(Up to 3 members per company)
SGD 150 / year
(Up to 10 members per company )

Membership starts Nov 2023
Note: For individuals and VWOs who are not able to pay for membership fees but would like to become a member of ASSITEJ Singapore, 
and/or are interest to find out more, please write to 

Why Join ASSITEJ Singapore


ASSITEJ Singapore is a members-driven organisation. We believe in giving ownership to our members – who are the primary stakeholders in the Arts for Young Audiences scene. Through your active participation ASSITEJ Singapore aims to raise the bar and place Singapore on the world stage.
 Join us and let us know what you want ASSITEJ Singapore to do for you!

Local Networking Opportunities

In our tiny red dot, we have the potential to build a tight-knit group of passionate collaborators to share ideas, resources and opportunities. 
Together, we will create a greater, more exciting landscape for our Young Audiences.

Global Connection

ASSITEJ is a global network. With the various connections and friendships to be made, our members get to interact and network with 
like-minded individuals overseas and forge memorable friendships to further the scene that is Arts for Young Audiences.

                                                                     Access to a growing library of TYA-related literature 

                          Access to participate in The Artground's GroundBreakers programme as a trial session observer

GroundBreakers is a year-long Artist Incubation Programme that invites artmakers to conceptualize, devise, test and design experiences for young audiences. 
Trial sessions are an essential part of this process, as you get to observe the work, and feedback and responses from audiences at each stage of the work. 

Upcoming ASSITEJ SG membership events

We are planning a series of networking sessions with local artists throughout the year to develop a stronger community of artists for the A4YA sector. 
Where possible, we will organise sessions with visiting artists from the region and/or internationally. 
We also hope to seek funding opportunities for our members to attend the events that ASSITEJ International organises. 

These are some of the events that are in the works for 2024. 

05 Sept 2024 - Networking session with local artists

Come join the ASSITEJ SG network