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 Visual Arts Space

Throughout the year, we present interactive visual arts spaces that children can climb through, over and under that changes annually.

We believe that every family should get a positive Arts experience.  The Artground welcomes visitors with limited mobility and special needs.
The center is designed to accommodate visitors on wheelchairs and everyone is welcome regardless of their sensory needs.
Please approach our staff for assistance and contact us to enquire about arranging a sensory-friendly visit.



 Visual Arts Space @ Goodman - M.A.P (Many Alternative Possibilites)
Admission is free with a $15 refundable deposit before 1st August. 
As of 1st August, tickets will be selling at $5/pax (Weekdays) and $8/child
$5/adult (Weekends / PH / School Holidays).
OHV_Curious Garden 1.png
Current Visual Arts Space @ OHV - Explore: A Curious Garden
Admission is $5/pax (including babies on arms) before 1st August. 
From 1st August, tickets will be selling at $5/pax (Weekdays) and $10/child
$8/adult (Weekends / Public Holiday / School Holidays)


TAG Design Initiatives

The Artground conceptualises, designs and builds interactive arts spaces.
Companies, organisations or schools looking for design-and-build projects or consultancy services may write to us at

 Visual Arts Space Open Call

We're constantly on the look out for fresh ideas for our Arts Spaces. Do look out for our open call announcements here!
